In a letter to Sir Ranulph Fiennes, the Community Leaders Network (CLN) challenges his calls to supporters and UK legislators to ban trophy imports.
Imagine an approach to wildlife conservation that allows wildlife populations to flourish, respects the rights of local and indigenous peoples to determine their own future, and helps reduce poverty and inequality.
ADVANCING RIGHTS IN SOUTHERN AFRICA (ARISA) Webinar: The Impact of Natural Resource Management Laws and Policies on Indigenous Peoples Rights, Livelihoods, and Culture.
Advocates for human rights and conservation in Africa have warned that bans on trophy hunting imports from Africa could have catastrophic effects on people and communities already devastated by the COVID-19 pandemic.
In this open letter, Resource Africa challenges the German Green Party Alliance.
The Africa CSOs Biodiversity Alliance (ACBA) in collaboration with China’s Civil Society Alliance for Biodiversity Conservation (CSABC) hosted a webinar to highlight African and Chinese
perspectives on “How community based natural resource management (CBNRM) can deliver inclusive,