Its official, CLN is ONE Year Old. After operating loosely since 2019 when it was convened, CLN was officially formalised on the 22nd of October 2021. With its Chairmanship based in Zambia and its Secretariat in Namibia, and representation in 7 other Southern African Countries, CLN has grown significantly to be the lead CBNRM coordinating body in Southern Africa, ensuring that the voices of the often-marginalised communities are heard. Please see official statement here: CLN@1 Statement
Please click here to access the CLN Constitution: CLN Constitution
With a delegation of 7 participants from 6 Southern African Countries (Namibia, Botswana, Zambia, Tanzania, Zimbabwe, Malawi) CLN participated at the annual gathering that brings government officials and other appropriate wildlife management authorities together with the private hunting industry and community stakeholders. The forum aimed at collaboratively discussing sustainable use wildlife conservation across Africa. Read full report here: CLN@AWCF Report
Twenty-nine delegates from the Community Leaders Network of Southern Africa (CLN) attended the first African Protected Areas Congress (APAC) held in Kigali, Rwanda in July 2022.
Summary Report: Community Leaders Network of Southern Africa CLN Namibia Workshop 18-22 October 2021
The key objective of the CLN workshop, held in October 2021, was to formalise the Community Leaders Network, and thus create greater opportunities for creating partnerships, fundraising, sharing lessons
“Community Voices Were Heard”
The Community Leaders Network of Southern Africa sent a delegation of 29 members to the inaugural
In an article published in the Zimbabwe newspaper, The Chronicle, Emmanuel Koro examines the how Mozambique’s return to international hunting after the 1977-1992 civil war has become an international hunting model with a promising future.