When COVID19 spread across the globe in 2020, disrupting international and regional tourism, it was the small-scale participants benefitting from tourism activities who were most critically affected.
The IUCN Africa Protected Areas Congress (APAC) is the first ever continent-wide gathering of African leaders, citizens, and interest groups to discuss the role of protected areas in conserving nature, safeguarding Africa’s iconic wildlife, delivering vital life-supporting ecosystem services, promoting sustainable development while conserving Africa’s cultural heritage and traditions.
Formed in February 2020, the African CSO Biodiversity Alliance (ACBA) provides a platform for African CSOs to speak with one voice on issues of Sustainable Use of nature that contribute to conservation and equitable benefits from nature.
Zimbabwe’s Herald newspaper reports on the Mucheni Community Conservancy, a Kavango Zambezi (KAZA) Sustainable Wildlife Management programme that is building on CAMPFIRE –
Former colonial powers seeking to pass laws that threaten the rights and livelihoods of rural African communities and their wildlife, need to consider this impact and hear what Africans have to say about it first.