Community Leaders Network members and Resource Africa who are participating in the 15-16 December CBD virtual session under the theme “Biodiversity, One Health and responses to COVID19” will today present the following statement:
On International Human Rights Day, we celebrate Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities. At long last the world is increasingly hearing their voices, acknowledging their rights to sustainably manage their resources, and respecting their ecological knowledge.
In response to The Times editorial (“Blood Money”, 7 December), Resource Africa has submitted a response to the Letters Page which, amongst other observations, states:
by Dr Shylock Muyengwa
Do community-based natural resource management (CBNRM) programmes help rural communities in southern Africa?
by Steve Johnson
How long must this go on! Those involved in community-based natural resources management or CBNRM, have continued their mantra of the need for devolution of rights over land and natural
A Community Leaders Network (CLN) has been established, bringing together over 50 representatives of local communities engaged in Community Based Natural Resource Management (CBNRM).
As representatives of millions of rural Africans, the majority of whom live below the poverty line, we are urgently appealing to you to assist us by preventing the undermining of our globally recognised
In June, 2019 at Africa’s Wildlife Economy Summit hosted by the African Union and United Nations Environment Programme in Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe, community representatives called on African
“Local people’s rights to make a living by sustainably using their land and wildlife are enshrined in international and national laws, and cannot be undermined by one-sided views. They are not up for debate”