Leave no voice unheard! Sustainable use of biodiversity is a human rights issue in Africa
A Statement by the Community Leaders Network
Leave no voice unheard! Sustainable use of biodiversity is a human rights issue in Africa
A Statement by the Community Leaders Network
In the latest of Resource Africa’s series Let Africans Decide video series, Dr. Moreangels Mbizah, a member of the Community Leaders Network, reflects on her journey in wildlife conservation – from Zimbabwe’s Lowveld to Oxford University and back – and emphasises the need for diverse approaches
On 8 December the Community Leaders Network and Resource Africa wrote to the editor of The Times, a UK newspaper. Both letters detailed strong objections to an editorial that The Times had published the day before.
Community Leaders Network members and Resource Africa who are participating in the 15-16 December CBD virtual session under the theme “Biodiversity, One Health and responses to COVID19” will today present the following statement:
In response to The Times editorial (“Blood Money”, 7 December), Resource Africa has submitted a response to the Letters Page which, amongst other observations, states:
As representatives of millions of rural Africans, the majority of whom live below the poverty line, we are urgently appealing to you to assist us by preventing the undermining of our globally recognised
In June, 2019 at Africa’s Wildlife Economy Summit hosted by the African Union and United Nations Environment Programme in Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe, community representatives called on African
“Local people’s rights to make a living by sustainably using their land and wildlife are enshrined in international and national laws, and cannot be undermined by one-sided views. They are not up for debate”
Earth Negotiations Bulletin – A Reporting Service for Environment and Development Negotiations published the summary of the 69th Meeting of CITES Standing Committee.