Dr Kenneth David Kaunda 1924 – 2021
The first president of the Republic of Zambia, His Excellency Dr Kenneth Kaunda, died yesterday, June 17, 2021, aged 97 years.
- Fighter for the liberation of southern Africa
- A pioneer of CBNRM, launching the Luangwa Integrated Resources Development project in the 1980’s aimed at devolving management of natural resources to the local communities
- We will miss our conservation friend
- A conservation compatriot who believed in sustainable management of natural resources to better the lives of the people who live with it
- A gallant teacher, leader and a true humanist who will continue to inspire the incoming generation
Leslé Jansen, CEO, Resource Africa issued this statement:
“Resource Africa wishes to express our sincere condolences for the loss of Zambia’s first President and one of the founding fathers of the Organization of African Unity (OAU), Dr. Kenneth Kaunda.
“As Resource Africa continues to stand with communities in Africa sustainably managing their resources, we remember his key role as an early champion of CBNRM in the Africa region, especially in Zambia. It is an example we will continue to build on further on the continent.”
Dr Rodgers Lubilo, Chairperson of the Zambia CBNRM Forum and Community Leaders Network member, reflected on the legacy of a tireless fighter for liberation throughout southern Africa and a champion of local community rights-based conservation in this tribute to Dr. Kaunda:
“In remembering President Kaunda, we honour him as pioneer of CBNRM in the Luangwa Valley in the early and mid 80s as he launched the Luangwa Integrated Resources Development project that aimed at devolving management of natural resources to the local communities. He was a true conservation compatriot who believed in sustainable management of natural resources to better the lives of the people who live with it. He was our gallant teacher, leader and a true humanist. I was privileged to have been regularly in touch with him in his last days, and because of his huge contribution to conservation. We honoured him with a long life membership of the Zambia CBNRM Forum.
“He was our inspiration and will continue to inspire the incoming generation. His love for nature was enormous. We will miss our conservation friend.
“We also celebrate his visionary leadership. He was among the last surviving crop of our nationalist leaders.
“We are inspired to soldier on and emulate his legacy. Zambia and Africa mourns.”