IUCN WCC 3-11 September 2021: Transformative Change for Nature and People
Resource Africa and the Community Leaders Network of Southern Africa will be represented at the IUCN WCC 3-11 September 2021 Congress by delegates from both organisations.
Mission: to create awareness of the CLN attendance of the IUCN WCC, highlighting issues surrounding community rights, sustainable use, rural voices, community conservation, and hunting.
CLN In-person delegates attending the congress are Maxi Louis , Malidadi Langa, and Bupe Ritah Banda
RA In-person delegates attending the congress are Dr. Malan Lindeque, Dr. Liz Rihoy, Marianne Courouble and Patricia Wangui
CLN Youth presenters attending virtually are Liberty Chauke, Sauleha Rajak and Brisetha Hendricks
Why is the IUCN an important platform for RA’s advocacy work?
The IUCN World Conservation Congress (‘the Congress’) is one of the governing bodies of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), where IUCN Members discuss the global nature conservation agenda by voting on recommendations and passing resolutions and the IUCN Program. The Congress provides a platform to discuss international quality standards for nature conservation, which makes it an ideal forum for RA’s advocacy work. As RA embarks on fighting back anti-hunting legislation and advocates for sustainable resource use, the Congress can be deemed timely and relevant. This is in relation to its focus on conserving species for people and nature and integrating key social issues in conservation programs, with a particular focus on indigenous peoples, gender equality and female empowerment, governance, and rights-based approaches.
Follow the CLN at IUCN WCC @LeadersSouthern CLN hashtag: #CommunityLeadersWCC
Key Twitter handle: @IUCN
Key hashtags: #IUCNcongress #WCC