Front cover of the report showing delegates posing for the camera.

Zambia’s 8th Community-Based Natural Resources Management Annual Conference

This conference in Lusaka, Zambia on 9-11 December 2024 brought together community leaders, government officials, policymakers development partners and academics to discuss Community-Based Natural Resources Management in Zambia. The discussions and resolutions made during this conference include strengthening community rights, mobilising resources, improving transparency and accountability, increasing data collection and management, advocacy, and many more. Read the full report here…

Misguided Melanie Verwoerd Does Not Speak for Africa: Communities Defend Conservation Rights

The Community Leaders Network of Southern Africa (CLN), representing over 20 million
individuals across twelve Southern African nations, stands as the authentic voice of the
communities engaged in and affected by sustainable conservation practices. CLN operates with
the vision that wildlife resources should directly benefit the rural populations who share their land
with and steward these resources. Trophy hunting, when ethically managed, is integral to this
vision, as it provides essential socio-economic benefits and finances local conservation efforts.
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I woman with a basket on her head walks along a tarred road.

Improving Governance of Community Wildlife Management Areas in a key Wildlife Corridor in Tanzania

Community Wildlife Management Areas (WMAs) in Tanzania are lands designated for wildlife conservation and managed by rural communities. Every five years, the villages associated with particular WMAs elect leaders to run their Community-Based Organisation (CBO) that is recognised by government as an Authorised Association mandated to manage their WMAs. Well-managed WMAs should achieve the twin goals of wildlife conservation and generating socio-economic benefits for community members.

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CLN Annual Report 2022

The Community Leaders Network of Southern Africa (CLN) has participated in various national, regional and international fora during the year 2022, leaving significant impacts at every one of them. All these activities are in line with CLN’s mandate of ensuring that community members who actually live with wildlife on a daily basis are consulted in all decisions regarding management of wildlife and other natural resources. Community members participated at events such as CITES CoP19, CBD CoP15, APAC, UNEA 5 – amongst others.

Detailed report of activities can be accessed here: CLN Annual Report 2022