This conference in Lusaka, Zambia on 9-11 December 2024 brought together community leaders, government officials, policymakers development partners and academics to discuss Community-Based Natural Resources Management in Zambia. The discussions and resolutions made during this conference include strengthening community rights, mobilising resources, improving transparency and accountability, increasing data collection and management, advocacy, and many more. Read the full report here…
A Community Leaders Network (CLN) has been established, bringing together over 50 representatives of local communities engaged in Community Based Natural Resource Management (CBNRM).
“Local people’s rights to make a living by sustainably using their land and wildlife are enshrined in international and national laws, and cannot be undermined by one-sided views. They are not up for debate”
Over fifty community leaders, representing millions of people across southern Africa, urge UK-based celebrities to stop using their influence to undermine the human rights of impoverished people and jeopardise wildlife conservation in the region.